Wednesday, 17 June 2015

TECHNOLOGY: changing the face of education positively.

 Technology has given rise to rapid achievements towards attaining success in educational system in colleges and high schools.
          By: Emegha Phebean

As age unfolds, the quest for accurate and efficient means of attaining success through technology has rapidly been rated successful in the educational system in the world.
Technology has immensely upgraded its usefulness towards education whereby making humanly achievements successful, the prevalence of technology has adequately enhanced modern day students to have computer devices to help in their school work and also make good usage of internet facilities for research.

Students can effectively meet with their counterparts through video conferencing without leaving their homes or class rooms which is a more fast process in disseminating information and receiving information. 

There are also software applications which enables students learn foreign languages and translate languages online. Students have a propensity to adapt easily to computerized technology due to exposure, networking and civilization the world has faced over decades.

In a recent development, technology has created facilities for easy access to learning in institutions, online schooling whereby there are online facilities to learn, buy books online, read online and also sit for exams online without attending live classes, by this means enabling distance learning easy and accessible. Technology has positively affected educational system in making the approach towards academics more appealing.
Evaluating the major achievements of technology in education can be actualized by students in cases where students have access to up to date information, implementing such information, getting it easier and quicker and seeing a positive effect of such valued information.

 Technology in retrospect has adequately made learning in institutions easy and interesting by this means  evicting any liable threat towards achieving success and getting qualitative education. Technology has brought about an era where all forms of illiteracy is being eradicated.

Moreover technology has tremendously been a credible innovation towards learning processes in institutions thereby cutting across all problems facing education. It has awakened the students mentally and has exposed them to all fresh opportunities, which has been redundant over the years.

The amount at which technology is fast uprising in the world is  a hot trend in education which has introduced new mode of learning in institutions, and a wide range of theories which Endeavour’s students to embrace their homework and school activities squarely. 

Technology has exposed students to diverse edifying scheme of learning, students now have deeper understanding on critical issues through technological resources available, research engines such as Wikipedia,  Google, prominent university websites give reliable answers within few clicks.

Educational video presentations has brought about greater results which were found to be more challenging amongst all other methods, technology has aided dynamism in schools and introduced advance style of learning in schools. Technology has made disbursements of assignments, exams, syllabuses, test aptitudes, data collation more easy to access rather than the manual style which is problem bound.

Research has it , that as technology continues to evolve and digital devices become integral to the evolution of education, it is encouraging to see the positive impact on learning outcome in schools as students utilize advanced devices and digital course materials to improve their learning environment.

Technology, as a great phenomenon in the world at large has in its own diverse means been able to ease the problems associated with flair for education and has made illiteracy look very abstract to humankind. this discipline has therefore generated levels of attraction to education, both in colleges and high schools which has motivated students towards greatness whereby keeping them static and accurate with their activities.


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